Saturday, October 16, 2010

Amazing things!

An anticipated moment that has followed me through my existence of 15 years... *15 LONG years. The woman who has been my (celebrity) idol since I was able to understand how incredible her art was... SHAKIRA will be closer than ever once I attend her concert!!!! You cannot possibly imagine or comprehend how much this makes me want to spazz out and brag about it in people's faces; because it is simply that awesome. Just thinking about being at her concert soon gives me butterflies and makes me want to cry for joy. You're probably thinking... wow, she has some serious psychological issues, and I will not fight you on that comment because I know it's an unhealthy obsession. But guess what? IT'S ME AND MY BRAIN, so if you want to comment that's fine but I will be as crazy and uncontrollable as I desire. Haha. I will be wearing a bellydancer outfit and her perfume, which smells so good, to her concert. Oh, and the jacket I bought online haha. I will overuse my camera until it has no battery left (that will happen about 15 times). I have to, HAVE TO, remember this miraculous day that I have been waiting for my whole life. :D and finally it has arrived so no one will kill my immortal happiness at the moment. I will tell you about how this concert goes... amazing!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Sometimes situations don't have a right or a wrong; that is, a right or wrong thing to do. It's sort of like a multiple choice question, you have to choose the letter that best fits the question. My question is- What should I do in respect to my oblivious boy drama?
A) Ignore his ass too.
B)Apologize...for nothing.
C)Spontaneously spark up a conversation that will lead to un-awkwardness.
D)All of the above (ha-ha just kidding about this one, it would make me seem bipolar)
At the moment I don't know which one i'll pick, but i'm leaning towards choice C. It seems like the most normal one that will lead to the road of happiness and joy,the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or even peace with my surroundings hahahah. Yeah... this experience has taught me things but i'm not going to transform into Buddha (Siddharta Gautama). Tomorrow will be the moment of truth. I shall keep thou updated on my boy drama.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Love flat out sucks. I'm not going to sugar coat it with metaphors at the moment because nothing about love right now is beautiful in any way, shape, or form. Flirting is what makes the flower bloom. Without it, love wouldn't be mutual between two people. If flirting happens to be between 2 people on a very rare occasion, I would hope that they would be SMART enough to realize they are causing hormones to go crazy. Unless you are completely OBLIVIOUS to everything that is obvious and straightforward in this world then you should be able to notice that you are flirting. Of course the person who I like happens to be that oblivious person who denies everything and anything happened. What's worse is that i'm so furious that I want to be his friend still. I'm mad that because I decided to go through the trouble of explaining what was causing my foul mood, that it has caused him to completely ignore my existence. Fabulous isn't it? The complexity of this abstract idea of a mutual attraction between two individuals. I detest it right now. I don't doubt that soon enough I will feel "in the clouds" but I also don't doubt the outcome; misery.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Relaxation, pure bliss and happiness. Wow, weekends haven't been like that in... FOREVER! 10th grade has stripped my joy away from the 2 days off from school. Two days... if you say it slow enough, it seems like a really prolonged time to be away from school. That my dear friends is an illusion because Saturday and Sunday seem like a mirage. You see them, and then they're gone in a flash. Suddenly your wondering,"What? I still haven't done all of my homework! What was I doing all this time?" The answer to that is procrastination. Apparently it's inevitable for me because hey, as we speak, I should be doing homework but I need to give my brain a break time. Also, I lack discipline when I need it the most. Basically, what I wanted to say is that, weekends aren't what they used to be and I miss having nothing to do for 2 whole days. Either way, I must get back to doing homework, the thing that has annihilated my joy.