Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Sometimes situations don't have a right or a wrong; that is, a right or wrong thing to do. It's sort of like a multiple choice question, you have to choose the letter that best fits the question. My question is- What should I do in respect to my oblivious boy drama?
A) Ignore his ass too.
B)Apologize...for nothing.
C)Spontaneously spark up a conversation that will lead to un-awkwardness.
D)All of the above (ha-ha just kidding about this one, it would make me seem bipolar)
At the moment I don't know which one i'll pick, but i'm leaning towards choice C. It seems like the most normal one that will lead to the road of happiness and joy,the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or even peace with my surroundings hahahah. Yeah... this experience has taught me things but i'm not going to transform into Buddha (Siddharta Gautama). Tomorrow will be the moment of truth. I shall keep thou updated on my boy drama.

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